Thursday, November 11, 2010

Singaporeans Getting Obese

“I need to lose some weight.” Does this sound familiar? Studies have shown that obesity is getting worse in Singapore. The latest National Health Survey shows that the obesity rate has increased from 6.9 per cent in 2004 to 10.8 per cent this year. This is worrying as it shows an increasing number of unhealthy dieting habits Singaporeans have.

There are many causes of obesity. It depends mainly on one’s personal lifestyle. Singapore is a fast paced and modern society. It is no doubt that most Singaporeans are stress as they faced the countless deadlines, demands, frustrations and hassles of the modern life. Putting up with so much in life, Singaporeans are constantly draining energy, thus often feeling tired.

"When your energy level is low, you may look for food to pick you up," says Robert E. Thayer, Ph.D., professor of psychology at California State University at Long Beach.

Hence, many people choose to eat snacks as it is not very filling but it helps to perk them up. This especially applies to the white-collar workers who are “stuck” to their tables for almost the whole day.

In addition, stress is also another factor that results to over-eating. People eat when they are stress in attempt to relieve their stress or at least take the edge off. They feel that in this way, they are “eating their emotions.”  They are not even using food as food but rather as a medication to push down or suppress the unpleasant feelings they are experiencing.

Another factor contributing to the increased in obese Singaporeans is unhealthy dieting since young. They are used to eating the unhealthy food since young so it is difficult to change their habit of eating. Many Singaporeans now, have the habit of dinning out as they do not have the time to cook or they are too tired to cook after work. Thus, they dine out often where foods are less control of their oil and seasoning.

Obese is being excessively fat or fleshy; corpulent. It is a problem that requires immediate solution as obese may further lead to other complicated illness such as heart problems. The Singapore Health Promotion Board has taken action by implementing the “Eat Healthy” Campaign where consumers are encouraged to ask for more vegetables, less oil, etc. Also, there is the “Health Promoting Mall” campaign, where malls that sign-up are encouraged to host activities which encourage a healthy lifestyle. Food courts and restaurants could also provide healthier meal choices by cutting down on the amount of salt and oil when preparing the food. Exercising frequently is also essential to stay healthy and minimize the chances of being obese.

The government may have taken some action to counter the problem. But overall, it still lies with oneself. If you do not bother to take care of your own health, who will?

(News Source)

Done By: Kwek Wan Ling
Admin Number: 103503L


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