Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Lend A Helping Hand

The Singapore government has come up with a campaign, ‘Vertical Kampung’, to promote informal volunteerism, where people help each other when the need arises.

According to National Volunteer & Philanthropy Centre (NVPC) 2010 study of individual giving behavior, only one in three people offer a helping hand when they see someone in need in Singapore.

This may be the reason as to why the government wanted to launch the above campaign. It is indeed a worrying situation in Singapore. Since young, we are inculcated with the value of ‘lend a helping hand when someone is in need of help’. However, the surveyed results showed that only minority practiced what they were taught.

The purpose of the campaign is to spread the message that everyone can do good deeds in his community. But will it be an effective measure? I feel that it does serves as a reminder to people but there are people who choose to ignore despite the ‘reminders’. Take the reserved seats in Mass Rapid Transport (MRT) for instance. Many people choose to disregard the big blue signage that says ‘reserve seats’ - which are for the needy, elderly, injured and the pregnant – and feel free to take up those seats. The worst scenario is that one pretends not to realize the existence of the needy and elderly people. I feel that this is a very shameful act. This may be partly why the reserve seats posters are almost everywhere to remind people.

In conclusion, I feel that the ‘Vertical Kampung’ campaign is effective to a large extent if everyone play their parts. Even a simple act such as helping an elderly lady down a flight of stairs is playing a part already. As the saying goes, ‘treat others how you want to be treated’. When you are in need of help, you may need other’s people help. So start by helping others in any ways you can and make Singapore a better place to be in! (:     

(News Source)

Done By: Kwek Wan Ling
Admin Number: 103503L

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Different people have different perceptions as to what is considered a hero. For me, I feel that a hero is someone whose actions are worth respecting of. I thought heroes only exist in movies and shows. Little did I expect to come across a ‘real-life hero’.

A grandfather was racing against time to see his grandson for the final time. The airport’s custom checks were taking almost forever, causing the grandfather to be late for his flight. He was worried with tears that he would miss the flight which there goes his last chance of seeing his dying grandson. He frantically ran to his terminal and was assured by the pilot of the plane that he would be able to get to his destination. He was his hero – the pilot of the plane.

The pilot held the plane especially for the grandfather, with the risk of his job. Despite the possibility of facing the wrath of travelers and demanding for compensations, the pilot still held the plane for the grandfather. His actions may seem to be easy and effortless (just not piloting the plane until the grandfather comes), but how many of you will actually have the courage to do so - risking your own livelihood to help someone whose just a mere stranger?

The pilot’s actions may not only cause him his job but also the reputation of the airline company that he works for. Was his act a professional or unprofessional one? What would you do if you are in his shoes?

I feel that being successful in life is not maintaining a high post, but maintaining good morality.

(News Source)

Done By: Kwek Wan Ling
Admin Number: 103503L

Thursday, January 13, 2011

A Step into the Past

Pompeii, a Roman city, was “buried”, when the nearby, supposedly extinct, volcano Vesuvius erupted in AD 79, covering the town and its inhabitants in many tons of pumice and volcanic ash. The disaster remained in people's minds for many years but was eventually forgotten, until the exploration of the ancient site started in an area called 'Civita', in 1748.

Many parts of the city sealed in lava after two days of eruptions from Mt Vesuvius, which is still an active volcano till today. Everything at that moment in time was preserved by the volcanic ashes and was discovered and excavated gradually. It all happened 2000 years ago but yet almost everything could still be discovered and preserved, amazing isn’t it?

The discovery of Pompeii is of huge importance for our modern-day understanding of the ancient Roman-Italic world - partly because the public and monumental ruins left behind by Imperial Rome have often been misleading due to destructions.

"The excavations at Pompeii and Herculaneum offer an intact vision of daily life in a Roman society in all its aspects. They have produced not only many treasures, but also many objects that are less precious but extremely useful for the understanding of everyday life during the years of the Roman empire. In the buildings of these towns - from the monumental to the most simple - the ancient world appears in all its complexity, with great clarity.”

It seems that only in Pompeii and Herculaneum that we can find out about the morality, culture, sense of state and religion for the vast majority of people in the Roman-Italic world. “It is here that we are most likely to find the truth about the society that made Rome 'caput mundi'” (that is, capital of the world).

Now, are you tempted to experience what is life like in the ancient Roman time?  Here’s your chance now! You do not have to fly to Italy with the exhibition “Pompeii: Life in A Roman Town 79 CE” in town currently! The exhibition shows what happen 2000 years ago and the remains excavated! So grab the chance and make your visit there!

(News Source)

Done By: Kwek Wan Ling
Admin Number: 103503L

Friday, January 7, 2011

Elearn Week (Article 2) - Animal Abuse

A pet is an animal kept for companionship and enjoyment or a household animal, as opposed to wild animals or to livestock, laboratory animals, working animals or sport animals, which are kept for economic or productive reasons.
Recently, a dog was allegedly hit with metal chain repeatedly. I feel that it is very cruel of the abuser and also the owner. The dog was probably abandon thus it seeks shelter in an industrial park, under a lorry. The abuser was believed to “encroached its “territory”, thus the dog started barking and subsequently got bashed up”. If it was not abandon, it would not be abused by the worker. Thus, I feel that the owner has to take up part of the responsibility.

Why did the owner keep the dog and abandon it later? Although keeping pets have their advantages and disadvantages, one should bear in mind the responsibilities of raising pets before making their decision. There are many cases where pets are abuse and abandon.

 “On average, AVA removes from the streets about 300 dogs a month. An estimated 1-6 per cent of these 300 dogs are believed to be abandoned.”

This is the result of people acquiring pets without careful consideration or appreciating the important responsibilities that come with pet ownership. Furthermore, news reports of animal abuse are gradually appearing more often. Therefore, it shows that the current situation of abandon and abused pets are on the rise.

Though the Singapore SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) frequently hold campaigns to promote the awareness of animal abuse, I feel that the government can still further emphasis the importance of caring for animals by educating the younger generation from young. Family also plays an essential part as setting good role models for the young ones affects the way they behave in future.

Remember: A pet is for life, not for a moment.

(News Source)

Done By: Kwek Wan Ling
Admin Number: 103503L

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Elearn Week (Article 1) - Smoking

According to the article, “Spain had an anti-smoking law since January 2006 but the impact was barely noticeable.” Despite having implemented this law, numerous smokers still continue to indulge in smoking. This is evident with an estimate of 50,000 smoking related deaths each year in Spain. Why is this so?

One main reason is because of the addictive nicotine in cigarettes. Nicotine allows one to experience “temporary feelings of pleasure (‘high’ or ‘upper’) followed by withdrawal symptoms like irritability and agitation (‘downer’) and in the early stages of nicotine use, this prompts the user to administer another dose in order to experience the ‘upper’ again. Once addiction sets in, a user will often crave a regular dose of the substance in order to allay the ‘downer’ symptoms.” Hence, some people are obsessed with smoking and find it hard to kick the habit.

Another reason is due to peer pressure. This is a very common reason as to why teens smoke. A teenager would normally conformed to peer pressure easily as most of his/her time would be spent in school and he/she would not want to be ostracized or teased for being “not cool” or “chicken”. Just where do people get the idea that smoking is cool?

“We are all exposed to tobacco advertisements and promotions. In advertisements, tobacco users are portrayed as glamorous, popular, independent, adventurous, and macho. Thus, many people would like to give it a try.”

But if we really care to abolish the smoking habit, then why there are still cigarette advertising? If smoking is really harmful to our health, we should not endorse it to increase its awareness. It is ironic for the government to create awareness of the ill effects of smoking while embracing cigarette advertisements. Members of the public, especially the young generation would be confuse and do not know which is the real truth.

The Spain government has taken stronger actions to further emphasize the harmful effects of smoking. The new law implemented “bans smoking in all enclosed public spaces, including bars, restaurants and nightclubs and makes it illegal to smoke in children's parks or anywhere on school or hospital grounds.” I feel that this is a good start to improve the country’s environment. Those 50 000 smoking related deaths each year in Spain does not mean 50 000 smokers died. It may be those innocent second-hand smokers.

Now, it is not depriving smokers of smoking but to spare a thought to the innocent people around them. Hence, I agree with the Spain government’s actions. Hopefully, the situation would improve better and there would be a decrease in the smoking related death rates in Spain.  

(News Source)

Done By: Kwek Wan Ling
Admin Number: 103503L 

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Tang Yuan Festival

Have you ever heard of the Tang Yuan festival? Also known as “Winter Solstice (or Dong Zhi) festival”, Tang Yuan festival is celebrated by the Chinese to “signify family reunion and to mark the arrival of winter.” It is a Chinese traditional celebration where glutinuous rice balls are made and family members gather to enjoy them in bowls of sweet ginger soup.

“The glutinous rice balls are meant to symbolise family unity and perfect health — the rounder the balls, the stronger the family ties are. On the day of the festival, the whole family will gather together for prayers. The tang yuan will be placed on the altar and once prayers are over, family members will have the sweet dessert together.”

Some families now still practice this tradition and my family is no exception. My mother would make the glutinuous rice balls on every Tang Yuan festival. I feel that this festival act as a good reminder for people to make it a point to visit home. This is especially useful for those working in large countries where there are numerous provinces and those leading a hectic city lifestyle. This is a good chance for people to take time off and visit their family after “slogging” for a year.

I hope this practice will not vanished as it not only allows the Chinese to get in touch with their roots but also helps family members strengthen their bond. It is a tradition that is unique and special where other races can also learn to appreciate it.

Now that you know more about the Tang Yuan festival, hope it would be more enjoyable for you next year!

(News Source), 22 Dec 10

Done By: Kwek Wan Ling
Admin Number: 103503L

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Robot Teacher VS Mankind

With today's technology advancement, is it a luxury for mankind to rely on robots or a disaster to do so?

Robot teachers are advantageous as they do not discriminate against any students. According to sociological research, it has been proven that students tend to perform poorly should the teacher be biased against them. This is known as “self-fulfilling prophecy”. Hence, such prejudice can be avoided by employing robot teachers as they objectively impart knowledge to students – void of emotions and sarcastic remarks.

In addition, robot teachers are good as they can serve as a substitute should the teacher be on medical leave. This ensures that lessons can go on as usual and would not result in a delay in the lesson plan. Furthermore, robot teachers are “inhuman” – they do not “fall sick” or require medical leave. As such, they prove to be more cost-effective as a workforce.

Having mentioned the benefits of robot teachers may lead us to think that these machines are failure-proof -- it is a fallacy to think so. Robot teachers are after all invented by humans whom are intrinsically born to err. Hence, robot teachers also have their downsides despite its advantages.

Since robot teachers are machines, they lacked emotions and thus cannot express care and concern for the students. In this sense, they are inferior compared to human teachers who are able to empathize with the students and attend not only to their intellectual needs but also cater to their emotional well-being.

After weighing the pros and cons of robot teachers, I am against the idea of having robot teachers. This is because the aim of education is not to only impart knowledge, but also provide students with a holistic and wholesome cultivation of their character. Hence, in order to achieve this aim, a human teacher, not a robot one, has the capability of nurturing the students’ character and cultivate them into good citizens.

(News Source), 28 Dec 10

Done By: Kwek Wan Ling
Admin Number: 103503L