Thursday, January 20, 2011


Different people have different perceptions as to what is considered a hero. For me, I feel that a hero is someone whose actions are worth respecting of. I thought heroes only exist in movies and shows. Little did I expect to come across a ‘real-life hero’.

A grandfather was racing against time to see his grandson for the final time. The airport’s custom checks were taking almost forever, causing the grandfather to be late for his flight. He was worried with tears that he would miss the flight which there goes his last chance of seeing his dying grandson. He frantically ran to his terminal and was assured by the pilot of the plane that he would be able to get to his destination. He was his hero – the pilot of the plane.

The pilot held the plane especially for the grandfather, with the risk of his job. Despite the possibility of facing the wrath of travelers and demanding for compensations, the pilot still held the plane for the grandfather. His actions may seem to be easy and effortless (just not piloting the plane until the grandfather comes), but how many of you will actually have the courage to do so - risking your own livelihood to help someone whose just a mere stranger?

The pilot’s actions may not only cause him his job but also the reputation of the airline company that he works for. Was his act a professional or unprofessional one? What would you do if you are in his shoes?

I feel that being successful in life is not maintaining a high post, but maintaining good morality.

(News Source)

Done By: Kwek Wan Ling
Admin Number: 103503L


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