Thursday, January 13, 2011

A Step into the Past

Pompeii, a Roman city, was “buried”, when the nearby, supposedly extinct, volcano Vesuvius erupted in AD 79, covering the town and its inhabitants in many tons of pumice and volcanic ash. The disaster remained in people's minds for many years but was eventually forgotten, until the exploration of the ancient site started in an area called 'Civita', in 1748.

Many parts of the city sealed in lava after two days of eruptions from Mt Vesuvius, which is still an active volcano till today. Everything at that moment in time was preserved by the volcanic ashes and was discovered and excavated gradually. It all happened 2000 years ago but yet almost everything could still be discovered and preserved, amazing isn’t it?

The discovery of Pompeii is of huge importance for our modern-day understanding of the ancient Roman-Italic world - partly because the public and monumental ruins left behind by Imperial Rome have often been misleading due to destructions.

"The excavations at Pompeii and Herculaneum offer an intact vision of daily life in a Roman society in all its aspects. They have produced not only many treasures, but also many objects that are less precious but extremely useful for the understanding of everyday life during the years of the Roman empire. In the buildings of these towns - from the monumental to the most simple - the ancient world appears in all its complexity, with great clarity.”

It seems that only in Pompeii and Herculaneum that we can find out about the morality, culture, sense of state and religion for the vast majority of people in the Roman-Italic world. “It is here that we are most likely to find the truth about the society that made Rome 'caput mundi'” (that is, capital of the world).

Now, are you tempted to experience what is life like in the ancient Roman time?  Here’s your chance now! You do not have to fly to Italy with the exhibition “Pompeii: Life in A Roman Town 79 CE” in town currently! The exhibition shows what happen 2000 years ago and the remains excavated! So grab the chance and make your visit there!

(News Source)

Done By: Kwek Wan Ling
Admin Number: 103503L


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